13th Krasnoyarsk Museum Biennale
The photography art collection from National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (Premiere exhibition in Russia)
"Behind the Mask: Rose of Modernity"
To raise the international visibility of Taiwanese photographic art and promote the items in NTMoFA’s photographic art collection, the museum has staged several exchange exhibitions on this subject. “Behind the Mask: Rose of Modernity” is the latest exhibition organized for this purpose. Employing a two-pronged strategy, the three guest curators—Andrey Martynov, Yunnia Yang, and Sergey Kovalevsky—on the one hand channel the museum’s photographic art collection to chart Taiwan’s social transformation since the 1960s, and on the other hand draw on psychologist Erving Goffman’s dramaturgical theory to investigate interpersonal relationships, social intercourse, and the interplay between everyday practice and theatrical gesture. The question as to how photographers become “mediators” in Goffman’s analysis is also addressed in this exhibition. In terms of the entries selected by the three curators, this exhibition is tantamount to a mirror of Taiwan’s modernization since the second half of the 20th century that the pursuit of economic growth and material well-being gradually urges people to deviate from their homespun philosophy of life. Apart from faithfully documenting realities through in-depth field surveys, photographers also ingeniously uncover the abnormalities, contradictions, and absurdities around the real world with artistic or theatrical techniques. By way of comparison, budding photographers do not simply criticize or fire a warning shot across the bows, but also apply innovative methods to the commemoration of our halcyon days. Photographers are quoad hoc mediators between our culture and society, our past and future, Heaven and Earth, nature and civilization, as well as between individuals and the multitude. To put it another way, they represent the society in all its manifestations on the photographic stage, and meanwhile unveil the vicissitudes of life behind the scenes.
The exhibition “Behind the Mask: Rose of Modernity” features a fine selection of 48 sets of brilliant works (a total of 95 pieces) by 35 Taiwanese artists to be displayed at the Krasnoyarsk Museum in Russia, which coincides the 13th Krasnoyarsk Museum Biennale whose theme serendipitously echoes that of “Behind the Mask,” both highlighting the roles of contemporary art as a mediator and a negotiator in the two societies.
13th Krasnoyarsk Museum Biennale
The photography art collection from National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (Premiere exhibition in Russia)
"Behind the Mask: Rose of Modernity"
時間Time:2019. 09.18- 2019.11.18
地點Venue:俄羅斯克拉斯諾亞爾斯克美術館(Krasnoyarsk Art Museum "Ploshchad Mira", Russia)
地點Venue:俄羅斯克拉斯諾亞爾斯克美術館(Krasnoyarsk Art Museum "Ploshchad Mira", Russia)
安德列.馬提諾夫(Andrey Martynov)、楊衍畇(Yunnia Yang)、謝爾蓋.科瓦列夫斯基(Sergey Kovalevsky)
安德列.馬提諾夫(Andrey Martynov)、楊衍畇(Yunnia Yang)、謝爾蓋.科瓦列夫斯基(Sergey Kovalevsky)
Participating Artists
CHANG Chao-Tang, CHANG Chien-Chi, CHANG Yung-Chieh, CHEN Chin-Pao, CHEN Shun-Chu, CHEN Wan-Ling, CHI Po-Lin, CHIEN Yun-Ping, CHIU Kuo-Chun, CHOU Ching-Hui, CHUANG Jung-Che, HAN Yun-Ching, HO Ching-Tai, Isa HO, HOU Tsung-Hui, HSIEH Chun-Te, HUANG Chien-Hua, HUANG Ming-Chuan, HUNG Cheng-Jen, KAO Chung-Li, Jonathan KAO, Daniel LEE, LIANG Cheng-Chu, LIU Chen-Hsiang, MEI Dean-E, PAN Hsiao-Hsia, SHEN Chao-Liang, SHEU Jer-Yu,TSAI Wen-Hsiang, TSENG Miin-Shyong, WANG Yu-Pang, WU Cheng-Chang, WU Tien-Chang, YAO Jui-Chung, YUAN Goang-Ming
CHANG Chao-Tang, CHANG Chien-Chi, CHANG Yung-Chieh, CHEN Chin-Pao, CHEN Shun-Chu, CHEN Wan-Ling, CHI Po-Lin, CHIEN Yun-Ping, CHIU Kuo-Chun, CHOU Ching-Hui, CHUANG Jung-Che, HAN Yun-Ching, HO Ching-Tai, Isa HO, HOU Tsung-Hui, HSIEH Chun-Te, HUANG Chien-Hua, HUANG Ming-Chuan, HUNG Cheng-Jen, KAO Chung-Li, Jonathan KAO, Daniel LEE, LIANG Cheng-Chu, LIU Chen-Hsiang, MEI Dean-E, PAN Hsiao-Hsia, SHEN Chao-Liang, SHEU Jer-Yu,TSAI Wen-Hsiang, TSENG Miin-Shyong, WANG Yu-Pang, WU Cheng-Chang, WU Tien-Chang, YAO Jui-Chung, YUAN Goang-Ming
為向國際介紹臺灣攝影之發展歷程,及推廣國美館典藏之攝影作品,本館近年規劃多項以臺灣攝影藝術為主體之交流展;其中,「透視假面-甜楚現代性」是由本館邀請Andrey Martynov、楊衍畇及Sergey Kovalevsky擔任策展人,運用本館典藏之攝影作品,呈現臺灣社會自1960年代迄今所經歷的轉變,並以心理學家厄文.高夫曼(Erving Goffman)的戲劇學原理為核心概念,探討日常生活與劇場儀式、人際關係與社會之間的的交互關係,以及攝影家如何成為高夫曼所謂的「中介者」(Mediator)角色。從策展人的選件觀之,本展映現出臺灣自20世紀下半葉開始,在追求現代化的進程中,雖經濟成長、物質生活改善,卻也逐漸背離純樸的本質與簡單的生活態度;而攝影創作者除了深入田野記錄現實外,亦藉由藝術性或戲劇性的手法,巧妙揭露現代化進程中,現實世界存在的反常、矛盾、荒謬之處。然而除了批判與警示之外,新世代的攝影創作者亦開始運用創新手法,保存我們對過去美好生活的緬懷。在此,攝影藝術家成為文化與社會、過去與未來、天與地、自然與文明、個人與大眾之間的調解者,藉由鏡頭搭建出一個呈現社會面貌的舞台,同時也透視舞台後面的悲喜生活。
To raise the international visibility of Taiwanese photographic art and promote the items in NTMoFA’s photographic art collection, the museum has staged several exchange exhibitions on this subject. “Behind the Mask: Rose of Modernity” is the latest exhibition organized for this purpose. Employing a two-pronged strategy, the three guest curators—Andrey Martynov, Yunnia Yang, and Sergey Kovalevsky—on the one hand channel the museum’s photographic art collection to chart Taiwan’s social transformation since the 1960s, and on the other hand draw on psychologist Erving Goffman’s dramaturgical theory to investigate interpersonal relationships, social intercourse, and the interplay between everyday practice and theatrical gesture. The question as to how photographers become “mediators” in Goffman’s analysis is also addressed in this exhibition. In terms of the entries selected by the three curators, this exhibition is tantamount to a mirror of Taiwan’s modernization since the second half of the 20th century that the pursuit of economic growth and material well-being gradually urges people to deviate from their homespun philosophy of life. Apart from faithfully documenting realities through in-depth field surveys, photographers also ingeniously uncover the abnormalities, contradictions, and absurdities around the real world with artistic or theatrical techniques. By way of comparison, budding photographers do not simply criticize or fire a warning shot across the bows, but also apply innovative methods to the commemoration of our halcyon days. Photographers are quoad hoc mediators between our culture and society, our past and future, Heaven and Earth, nature and civilization, as well as between individuals and the multitude. To put it another way, they represent the society in all its manifestations on the photographic stage, and meanwhile unveil the vicissitudes of life behind the scenes.
The exhibition “Behind the Mask: Rose of Modernity” features a fine selection of 48 sets of brilliant works (a total of 95 pieces) by 35 Taiwanese artists to be displayed at the Krasnoyarsk Museum in Russia, which coincides the 13th Krasnoyarsk Museum Biennale whose theme serendipitously echoes that of “Behind the Mask,” both highlighting the roles of contemporary art as a mediator and a negotiator in the two societies.
國美館特展網頁(National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art official website):
俄羅斯克拉斯諾亞爾斯克美術館特展網頁(Krasnoyarsk Art Museum " Ploshchad Mira" official website):http://mira1.ru/event/827
Curators ( Yunnia Yang & Andrey Martynov) guiding the exhibition " Behind the Mask: Rose of Modernity" for Russian-speaking audience ( interview by Russian cultural media " Culture 24" from Krasnoyarsk)