2013年10月12日 星期六

The Talk on 'Imagination of Eastern Europe' ( '2013 Hong Kong World Cultures Festival' activity series) '想像東歐'講座('2013年香港世界文化藝術節'系列活動)

About the talk:

Imagination of Eastern Europe

 Distance is always the necessary condition for imagination. It can be spatial and time; it can also be a comparative relation, for example between Western Europe and Eastern Europe. This is the usual way to imagine the face of Eastern Europe, especially through representational images. The artists in “East + Europe: Eastern European Contemporary Art Exhibition” are simultaneously makers, transmitters and receivers of images representing Eastern Europe. They provide a space for viewers to imagine Eastern Europe and its artists, as they refer to discourses that are both imagining subjects and objects of imagination. Several artists from Eastern Europe and two scholars will share their experience of imagining Eastern Europe.

 Moderator: Leung Mee-ping (Curator of “East + Europe: Eastern European Contemporary Art Exhibition”, renowned local artist, Assistant Professor of Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University)

Speakers: Solvita Krese (Director of Latvian Museum of Contemporary Art, independent curator and art critic), Neno Belchev (Bulgarian artist, independent curator), Lukasz Surowiec (Polish artist and writer), Pavlina Mladenova (Bulgarian artist, art researcher, independent curator), Yunnia Yang (scholar on contemporary Eastern European art, independent curator)

Medium: English

Date: 19/10/2013 (Sat)

Time: 14:30 - 16:30

Venue: Hong Kong City Hall Exhibition Hall

想像附帶一個條件,那就是距離,可以是空間上和時間上;也可以是類比的關係,如西歐相對東歐,這是想像東歐面貌的慣性,尤其透過再現影像(representational images)。「東+歐:東歐當代藝術展」的創作人既是再現東歐的影像製造者、轉述者和接收者,為觀者提供了想像東歐和想像東歐創作人的閱讀空間,指涉亦是想像主體、同時是想像客體的辯證言說 (discourses)。會上將有幾位來自東歐的創作人及兩位學者陳述並分享有關想像東歐的經驗。

主持:梁美萍 -「東+歐:東歐當代藝術展」策展人、香港著名藝術家、香港浸會大學視覺藝術院助理教授)

講者:Solvita Krese - 拉脫維亞當代藝術中心總監、獨立策展人、評論家)
Neno Belchev - 保加利亞藝術家、獨立策展人
Łukasz Surowiec - 波蘭藝術家、寫作人
Pavlina Mladenova - 保加利亞藝術家、藝術研究員、獨立策展人
Yunnia Yang 楊衍畇 - 東歐當代藝術研究學者、獨立策展人


The talk alive : https://vimeo.com/81690771
Imagination of Eastern Europe Talk from AMCNN on Vimeo.

